Friday 7 May 2010

Your magazine planning – target audience, type of magazine, price etc

1. Who is your target audience?
I would prefer my target audience to be between the age ranges of`15 – 25. I would like it to be this because it I can relate to most of the common things people between this age group can.

2. What style, genre or time of music is your magazine about or it going to appeal to a range of music tastes?
My magazine is going to be about music but also a little bit about fashion. The magazine is going to be about different types of music, however, it will talk about the similarities between English, and American music. This will be of interest to a lot of people.

3. How often will your magazine come out, weekly, fortnightly, monthly or bi-monthly?
I would like my magazine to appear on the shelves every month. I think this would be a good tactic because people will have to wait in suspense, wanting to know what is going to be in the next months edition. How ever, if it came out every week, it wouldn’t have this effect on people.

4. How much will your magazine cost? Consider who your target audience is and also how often your magazine comes out?
My magazine will cost £2.50.

5. Is your magazine going to be glossy like Q magazine or more like a newspaper like NME?
I would like my magazine to be like Q magazine. The glossy look. Reason being is I believe this look appeals to the younger audience. The newspaper look wouldn’t.

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