Monday 22 February 2010

Analysis of two double page spreads from music magazines

The Band featured in the magazine would give us a rough idea on what the target audience would be. Through simple eye scanning, you can tell that this particular article is about rap music, indicating that the magazines target audience will be rap/hip-hop fans between the ages of 10 – ongoing.

The terms used in this magazine are definately terms that rap fans can relate to.

“Then 15 years later in the game” The term “game” is usually referred to as a rap career. This term would be understood by rap fans, and that is why it is specific to this magazine.
There is a colour scheme which is simple but effective. The colours are black, white and light pink. The pink is used when the interviewer is asking a question, and the black font colour is used ast the interviewee ‘Gary GZA/Genius’ reply.
The font which has been used is a simple readable font. It is not fancy and it is not the boring basic font.
The double page spread layout has been set out in an easy however interesting way. One page is set out with the main interview. The other page is a picture of the interviewee. This gives the reader a clear image of who is being interviewed.
I believe that the magazine is addressing the audience as part of a crowd. For this article, prior knowledge would help as they make a lot of references too previous events that have been showed in the magazine.


Straight away as I am looking at this magazine, I get the idea that this magazines target audience are people interested in rock music. Simply because of the bands style of dressing.

This magazine articles style is different from other magazines as this magazine uses terms as if it was a story.

“As the gaslight anthem’s tour van rattles through the outskirts of their hometown…” This is not the usual style of magazines.
Not a lot of colour at all is used in this particular magazine. Only colours used are Black and burgundy. The background colour is sky blue.
Again, in this article, the font isn’t over the top, it is basic.
The double page spread layout is set with the picture of the band on one side, and the text on the other.

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