Monday 22 February 2010

Basic Knowledge Of a Magazine

1. What is the Editor's main concern?
*-* The editors main concern is what is on the front cover of the magazine as this appeals and attracts the readers attention

2. Why is the front cover so important?
*-* The front cover is so important because this is what attracts the reader. A typical example is - if your favourite celebrity is on the front page of the magazine then your more likely than not to pick it up and by it. The a standard style of a front cover is good since it will enable the reader to pick out the magazine just by looking.

3. How does the editor make sure the 'Kerrang!' cover appeals to the whole of its readership?
*-* The editors make the cover appeal to the whole of its readership because they use different sub genres on the cover that gives an insight to what they would find in the magazine. These sub genres range from anything between different styles of music or celebrity stories or common topics rather than the rock music which is actually the main cause of the mag. Therefore making the magazine appeal to wider audiences.

4. What are, typically, 'main sells' (selling points) on a Kerrang! cover?
*-* Main selling points are, posters, stickers, CD's etc. Free accessories that you get when you buy the magazine.

5. How can a cover-mounted CD affect sales?
*-* By putting CD on the front cover boosts sell because CD's are not normal what you get for free with a magazine and people will take advantage of the fact they are going as a freebies and several people will buy the magazine. It could also have some exclusive stuff on it that only that one issue would release.

6. What other ways does Kerrang! use to draw in and keep its readers?
*-* They do this by putting different artists from several different genres of music on the cover for every new single issue

7. What typically features on the cover of mixmag and why?
*-* Upcoming events such as tours, parties in party islands etc.

8. What are the disadvantages of a cover mounted CD on every issue?
*-* A disadvantage could be the increase in cost; some magazines will make prices more expensive. It would be more time consuming to produce.

9. What are the two most important areas on a magazine front cover, and why is each one important?
*-* The Sweet Spot, This is the most common area a customer tends to look for when purchasing the magazine and also the logo, for identification purposes.

10. What are the two things most magazines try to do on their front cover?
*-* To try and do something different with there magazine to make it more appealing and sellable. Also to reassure there readers from one issue to the next the magazine will always try to bring them what they want but bigger and better.

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